We went to St. John's this week. I could lie and tell my mom it's a church, but no it's just really one of the three main islands in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The USVI is really a recent terminology as the U.S. bought them from Denmark in 1917. It was the Danish who ran the slave plantations in the 1800's and because they needed money in WW1 they sold them to the States. 2/3 of St. John is a national park. I know, we said we were decadent last week, but maybe it was this week that we were really decadent. We never sailed once, but moved 2 or 3 miles every day to a new anchorage beach. The day's activities were swimming, snorkelling & beaching.....sounds pretty decadent doesn't it! We knew Tim Matheson was chartering this week, but we miscalculated his starting date as we had booked into the marina tonight hoping to see him, but they left this morning. However, he was able to catch up with us in an anchorage early in the afternoon before he headed off ot the BVI's.
The monster homes, possibly the Rockerfeller estates that Joan mistook for hotels at Cinnamon Bay were pretty impressive as you can see from the picture included here. Alot of the old plantation ruins are marked on trails, but we haven't had a chance to pull ourselves away from water based activities to put on the hiking shoes and heaven forbid socks!
The monster homes, possibly the Rockerfeller estates that Joan mistook for hotels at Cinnamon Bay were pretty impressive as you can see from the picture included here. Alot of the old plantation ruins are marked on trails, but we haven't had a chance to pull ourselves away from water based activities to put on the hiking shoes and heaven forbid socks!
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